In this 90 minute webinar you will learn:

  • What is school refusal
  • What drives school refusal behaviour - what is really going on
  • Why you need to take school refusal seriously and act quickly
  • Strategies for you as the adult to help
  • Strategies you can use with your child and teenager
  • Strategies to teach your child and teen for them to use
  • Why connecting with school is important
  • How to identify resilience and amplify what is already working
  • When to seek extra support
  • Where to seek extra support

School Subscriptions

If you are an educator and would like to provide access to your school community (families and teachers) please contact Kate to arrange a whole school subscription that will provide registration access for 12 months.

[email protected]

Sign Up Today

Meet Dr Kate Owen

I am a Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Family Therapist with 20+ years experience in mental heath and counselling. You can find out more about me at

I hope that you enjoy this webinar and my other online resources.