I have a passion for mentoring and supporting professionals in the Counselling and Mental Health field: Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Guidance Officers, Counsellors, Mental Health OT's, Speech Therapists and Nurses to name just a few. Often these individuals place high expectations and demands on themselves in order to provide a good service to their clients. If stress builds up over a period time this can lead to Burnout and Compassion Fatigue. My hope is to change the culture in the helping profession to value self-care and teach professionals how to buffer against workplace stressors. This will not only improve the well-being of the professional but also have a positive ripple effect to their clinical practice and family life.
Course Curriculum
Hi, I’m Dr Kate Owen
I am a Clinical Psychologist and Family Therapist working in the Mental Health field since 2002. I have a private practice on the Gold Coast and provide services to individuals and families, I mentor other health professionals, and I teach Family Therapy in The Queensland Institute of Family Therapy. I hope that you enjoy this course as much as I enjoyed creating it for you. This course will always be free - it is my gift to you for being a helping professional. I only ask that you 'pay it forward' and recommend the course to your colleagues. My hope is to positively influence the workplace culture and I invite you to be apart of that process.